What Happens When abortTransaction() or endSession() Fails Using Mongoose?
Image by Zephyrine - hkhazo.biz.id

What Happens When abortTransaction() or endSession() Fails Using Mongoose?

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If you’re working with Mongoose, you likely know the importance of handling transactions and sessions properly. But what happens when things go wrong, and abortTransaction() or endSession() fails? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Mongoose transactions and sessions, exploring the consequences of failure and providing you with the knowledge to handle these situations like a pro.

Understanding Mongoose Transactions and Sessions

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of error handling, let’s take a step back and review the basics of Mongoose transactions and sessions.


In Mongoose, a transaction is a way to group multiple operations together, ensuring that either all operations are executed successfully or none are. Think of it like an all-or-nothing approach. When you start a transaction, Mongoose creates a temporary storage area where it stores the operations. If any operation within the transaction fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, and the temporary storage area is discarded.

const session = mongoose.startSession();

try {
  // Perform operations within the transaction
  await User.create({ name: 'John Doe' });
  await Product.create({ name: 'Widget' });
  await session.commitTransaction();
} catch (err) {
  await session.abortTransaction();
  throw err;
} finally {


A session in Mongoose is an isolated context in which you can execute multiple operations. Think of it like a container that holds all your operations. Sessions are useful when you need to perform multiple operations that should be executed as a single, atomic unit. When you start a session, Mongoose creates a new, isolated context for your operations.

const session = mongoose.startSession();
try {
  // Perform operations within the session
  await session.withTransaction(async () => {
    await User.create({ name: 'Jane Doe' });
    await Product.create({ name: 'Gizmo' });
} catch (err) {
  throw err;
} finally {

Failing Transactions and Sessions

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore what happens when abortTransaction() or endSession() fails.

When abortTransaction() fails, the consequences can be severe. Here are a few possible scenarios:

  • Partial Rollback: If abortTransaction() fails, the transaction is only partially rolled back. This means that some operations within the transaction might not be rolled back, leading to inconsistent data.
  • Data Corruption: In the worst-case scenario, a failed abortTransaction() can lead to data corruption. Imagine a situation where a transaction is partially committed, but then rolled back. This can result in inconsistent data, which can be difficult to recover from.
  • : If the transaction was created using a resource (e.g., a connection pool), the failure of abortTransaction() might cause resource issues. This can lead to errors when trying to acquire new resources or perform subsequent operations.


When endSession() fails, the consequences are less severe, but still important to consider.

  • Resource Leaks: If endSession() fails, the session might not be properly closed, leading to resource leaks. This can cause issues with connection pools, memory usage, or other system resources.
  • Dangling Transactions: If the session was created with an active transaction, a failed endSession() might leave the transaction in a dangling state. This can cause issues with subsequent transactions or operations.
  • Inconsistent State: A failed endSession() can also leave the underlying database in an inconsistent state. This can lead to unexpected behavior or errors in subsequent operations.

Handling Failure

Now that we’ve explored the potential consequences of failure, let’s discuss how to handle abortTransaction() and endSession() failures.

Catch and Rethrow

A simple approach to handling failure is to catch the error and rethrow it. This ensures that the error is propagated to the calling code, allowing it to handle the failure accordingly.

try {
  await session.abortTransaction();
} catch (err) {
  throw err;

Custom Error Handling

A more robust approach is to implement custom error handling logic. This allows you to take specific actions based on the type of error or failure.

try {
  await session.abortTransaction();
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof mongoose.Error.TransactionError) {
    // Handle transaction-specific errors
    console.error('Transaction error:', err);
  } else {
    // Handle general errors
    console.error('Unknown error:', err);

Implementing Fallbacks

Another approach is to implement fallbacks for critical operations. This ensures that even if abortTransaction() or endSession() fails, the system can still recover and continue operating.

try {
  await session.abortTransaction();
} catch (err) {
  // Fallback to a secondary transaction or session
  const secondarySession = mongoose.startSession();
  try {
    await secondarySession.startTransaction();
    // Perform critical operations
    await secondarySession.abortTransaction();
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('Fallback error:', err);
  } finally {

Best Practices

To avoid abortTransaction() and endSession() failures, follow these best practices:

  1. Use try-catch blocks: Always wrap critical operations in try-catch blocks to catch and handle errors.
  2. Monitor system resources: Keep an eye on system resources, such as connection pools, memory usage, and disk space, to detect potential issues before they become critical.
  3. Implement retries: Consider implementing retries for critical operations to ensure they can recover from transient errors.
  4. Use transaction timeouts: Set transaction timeouts to prevent long-running transactions from causing issues.
  5. Test thoroughly: Test your application thoroughly to ensure it can handle various failure scenarios.


In conclusion, handling abortTransaction() and endSession() failures is crucial to ensuring the reliability and stability of your Mongoose-based application. By understanding the potential consequences of failure and implementing robust error handling and fallback strategies, you can minimize the impact of errors and ensure your application remains resilient in the face of adversity.

Failure Scenario Consequences Handling Strategy
abortTransaction() Partial rollback, data corruption, getResource errors Catch and rethrow, custom error handling, fallbacks
endSession() Resource leaks, dangling transactions, inconsistent state Catch and rethrow, custom error handling, fallbacks

By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that your Mongoose-based application is equipped to handle even the most critical failures, providing a seamless and reliable experience for your users.

Frequently Asked Question

Let’s dive into the world of Mongoose and explore what happens when abortTransaction() or endSession() fails!

What happens if abortTransaction() fails?

If abortTransaction() fails, the transaction is not rolled back, and the connection remains in a transaction state. This means that any subsequent operations will still be part of the transaction, and if not handled properly, can lead to unexpected behavior or errors. It’s essential to handle the error and retry the abortTransaction() or take alternative measures to ensure the transaction is properly rolled back.

What happens if endSession() fails?

If endSession() fails, the session remains active, and any subsequent operations will continue to use the same session. This can lead to unexpected behavior, such as inconsistent data or errors. It’s crucial to handle the error and retry the endSession() or take alternative measures to ensure the session is properly closed.

How can I handle errors when using abortTransaction() or endSession()?

To handle errors when using abortTransaction() or endSession(), you should wrap these calls in a try-catch block and catch the error. Then, you can retry the operation, log the error, or take alternative measures to handle the failure. It’s also essential to ensure that the transaction or session is properly rolled back or closed to maintain data consistency and avoid unexpected behavior.

What are some common reasons for abortTransaction() or endSession() to fail?

Common reasons for abortTransaction() or endSession() to fail include network connectivity issues, MongoDB server errors, or incorrect usage of the Mongoose API. Additionally, concurrent modifications to the database or sessions can also cause these operations to fail. It’s essential to identify and address the root cause of the failure to ensure reliable and consistent behavior.

Can I use async/await to handle errors when using abortTransaction() or endSession()?

Yes, you can use async/await to handle errors when using abortTransaction() or endSession(). By using try-catch blocks with async/await, you can catch and handle errors in a more synchronous manner, making your code easier to read and maintain. This approach also allows you to centrally handle errors and retries, ensuring that your application remains robust and fault-tolerant.

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