Is it Possible to Use QT-C++ in UWP Application Written in C#?
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Is it Possible to Use QT-C++ in UWP Application Written in C#?

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As a developer, you might have wondered if it’s possible to combine the power of QT-C++ with the modernity of UWP applications written in C#. The answer is yes, it is possible, but it requires some creative problem-solving and a deep understanding of the technologies involved. In this article, we’ll explore the possibilities, challenges, and solutions to integrate QT-C++ in UWP applications written in C#.

Why Use QT-C++ in UWP Applications?

Before we dive into the technical aspects, let’s discuss the reasons why you might want to use QT-C++ in UWP applications:

  • Cross-platform compatibility: QT-C++ allows you to develop applications that can run on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile devices. UWP applications, on the other hand, are limited to the Windows ecosystem.
  • Performance optimization: C++ is a more performance-oriented language compared to C#. By using QT-C++ , you can optimize performance-critical components of your application.
  • Existing C++ codebase: If you have an existing C++ codebase that you want to reuse in your UWP application, using QT-C++ can be a viable option.

Challenges in Integrating QT-C++ in UWP Applications

While it’s possible to use QT-C++ in UWP applications, there are some challenges you need to overcome:

  • API compatibility: QT-C++ uses its own set of APIs, which might not be compatible with the UWP API set.
  • Platform restrictions: UWP applications have strict guidelines and restrictions on what can be used, which can limit the functionality of QT-C++.
  • Debugging and testing**: Debugging and testing QT-C++ code in a UWP application can be more complicated than in a traditional C++ application.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using QT-C++ in UWP Applications

To successfully integrate QT-C++ in a UWP application, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a UWP Project in Visual Studio

Create a new UWP project in Visual Studio, choosing the desired template and settings.

<!-- your UWP project code -->

Step 2: Install the QT Framework

Download and install the QT framework for Windows. You can choose the desired version and configuration.

> QT_DIR=C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64

Step 3: Create a QT-C++ Project

Create a new QT-C++ project using the QT Creator IDE orVisual Studio with the QT plugin installed.

#include <QApplication>
#include <QPushButton>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    QPushButton button("Click me!");;

    return app.exec();

Step 4: Compile the QT-C++ Project

> qmake -tp vc
> nmake

Step 5: Integrate the QT-C++ Project with the UWP Project

Create a new C# class library project in Visual Studio and add the compiled QT-C++ library to the project.

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    <Reference Include="QT_CPP_Library">

Step 6: Use the QT-C++ Library in the UWP Project

Create a new C# class in the UWP project and use the QT-C++ library.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class QT_CPP_Wrapper
    public static extern void InitializeQT();
    public static extern void ShowQTWindow();

public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    public MainPage()

    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


In conclusion, while it’s possible to use QT-C++ in UWP applications, it requires careful planning, creative problem-solving, and a deep understanding of the technologies involved. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully integrate QT-C++ in your UWP application and reap the benefits of cross-platform compatibility, performance optimization, and reusing existing C++ codebases.


Frequently asked questions about using QT-C++ in UWP applications:

Question Answer
Is it possible to use QT-C++ in UWP applications? Yes, it is possible, but it requires careful planning and integration.
What are the benefits of using QT-C++ in UWP applications? Cross-platform compatibility, performance optimization, and reusing existing C++ codebases.
What are the challenges in integrating QT-C++ in UWP applications? API compatibility, platform restrictions, and debugging and testing complexities.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to using QT-C++ in UWP applications. Happy coding!

Note: The above article is optimized for the given keyword “Is it possible to Use QT-C++ in UWP Application written in C#?” and is written in a creative tone, formatted using various HTML tags to make it easy to read and understand.

Frequently Asked Question

Can I use QT-C++ in a UWP application written in C#? Let’s dive into the possibilities!

Can I directly use QT-C++ in a UWP application?

Unfortunately, no. QT-C++ is a native C++ framework that doesn’t directly support UWP (Universal Windows Platform) and its sandboxes environment. UWP apps run on a different runtime, and the QT framework isn’t designed to work with it out-of-the-box.

Is there a workaround to use QT-C++ in a UWP application?

Yes, there is! One possible approach is to create a native C++ WinRT component that wraps your QT-C++ code, and then consume that component in your C# UWP app. This would require some extra effort, but it’s doable.

Can I use QT for Application UI and C# for business logic in UWP?

That’s an intriguing idea! While it’s technically possible to use QT for the UI and C# for the business logic, it’s not a recommended approach. QT and UWP have different UI frameworks, and integrating them seamlessly would be a significant challenge. It’s better to choose one or the other for your app’s UI.

Are there any third-party libraries that can help integrate QT-C++ and UWP?

You’re in luck! There are some third-party libraries and tools that can help bridge the gap between QT-C++ and UWP. For example, the QtWinRT module provides a way to create WinRT components using QT. However, be prepared to invest time in researching and evaluating these libraries to find the best fit for your needs.

What are the potential pitfalls of using QT-C++ in a UWP application?

Be cautious! When using QT-C++ in a UWP app, you may encounter issues with threading, memory management, and marshaling data between the native and managed worlds. Additionally, you’ll need to ensure that your QT-C++ code complies with the UWP app’s security and sandboxing requirements.